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The below is a collection of PDX video tutorials.

Tutorials[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

{{#evt: | service= bilibili | id= BV1Cf4y1v7v6 | description= Game Pillars: Management. Strategic management is key for running any successful empire, especially a criminal one. In this video we show you how to build and run your own Empire of Sin, with your preferred mix of subtle business acumen, not-so-subtle brutality, and city-wide notoriety. | alignment= right | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= bilibili | id= BV1jy4y1q7FP | description= Game Pillars: RPG. There can only be one king or queen of Chicago. How you get there is up to you. Empire of Sin has a lot of roleplaying elements, including quests, missions, and different ways to customize your gangsters. In this video we show you how you can tailor your crew and your empire to suit your own play style. | alignment= right | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= bilibili | id= BV11a4y1s77x | description= Game Pillars: Combat. As a boss you need to be ready to get your hands dirty. Combat in Empire of Sin is turn-based, and there's a lot to it! In this video, we tell you about crew specialties, boss abilities, hit points and all you need to know to master combat in Empire of Sin. | alignment= right | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= e4ljgWuUhH0 | description= Chicago Chronicles: The Tutorial. An original Scarface and a symbol of a prohibition-era crime boss - yes, that's Al Capone! Join Brenda Romero and Ian O'Neill as they venture through the game tutorial, laying the cornerstone for their Empire of Sin! | alignment= right | container=frame
