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第57行: 第57行:
| [[File: Profile boss Joseph Saltis.png|75px]] || {{ruby|约瑟夫·索迪斯|Joseph Saltis}}
| [[File: Profile boss Joseph Saltis.png|75px]] || {{ruby|约瑟夫·索迪斯|Joseph Saltis}}
| [[File: Flag Hungarian.png|36px]] 匈牙利
| [[File: Flag Hungarian.png|36px]] 匈牙利
| 你神通广大的走私手段,通情达理的个性,以及平易近人的态度帮你赢得了人民的青睐。你已经准备好从普通的酒吧老板转型成富甲一方的商业巨头,并彻底拿下这座城市。
| Your bootlegging prowess, diplomatic nature, and sincere attempt at appearing refined endears the community toward you. You're ready to graduate from bar owner to business magnate and take control of the city.
| 约瑟夫·索迪斯在很小的时候就从奥匈帝国移民到了美国,在经历了一段童工岁月后,心怀大志的他进入了犯罪的世界。但是他仍然坚信着刻苦工作的精神。在拥有了自己的帮派之后,他开始喜欢起了精致优雅的上流社会风格。凭借自己谨慎,狡黠的个行,他在芝加哥闯出了一片属于自己的天地。
| Emigrating from the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a youth, Saltis worked as a child laborer before turning to crime to make some real money.  He never lost respect for hard work. He started his own gang, and developed a taste for the finer things in life. His careful, cunning attitude has steered him well in Chicago.

|- id="Mabel Ryley"
|- id="Mabel Ryley"
| [[File: Profile boss Mabel Ryley.png|75px]] || {{ruby|梅布尔·莱莉|Mabel Ryley}}
| [[File: Profile boss Mabel Ryley.png|75px]] || {{ruby|梅布尔·莱莉|Mabel Ryley}}
| [[File: Flag Irish.png|36px]] 爱尔兰
| [[File: Flag Irish.png|36px]] Irish
| 你心狠手辣,但也重情重义。你继承了自己(已去世)的丈夫对巷猫帮的控制权,芝加哥的其他地方也即将成为你的囊中之物。
| You are simultaneously vicious and kind. You've inherited control of the Alley Cats from your (now deceased) husband and you have your sights set on gaining control of the rest of Chicago.
| 梅布尔·莱莉是一名来自爱尔兰科克市的移民,年纪轻轻就已经是一个劣迹斑斑的少年犯,满脑子想的都是躲避严苛的教育。出生困苦的她是个随遇而安的人。她有着冷静与谨慎的处世态度。
| Immigrating from Cork, Ireland, Ryley spent her youth avoiding her strict schooling and engaging in delinquency. Growing up without much, she takes an "easy come, easy go" approach to life. She gets ahead by remaining calm and careful in all matters.

|- id="Maggie Dyer"
|- id="Maggie Dyer"
| [[File: Profile boss Maggie Dyer.png|75px]] || {{ruby|玛吉·戴尔|Maggie Dyer}}
| [[File: Profile boss Maggie Dyer.png|75px]] || {{ruby|玛吉·戴尔|Maggie Dyer}}
| [[File: Flag American.png|36px]] 美国
| [[File: Flag American.png|36px]] American
| 不管是要靠单纯的胁迫还是巧妙的话术,天底下就没有你得不到的东西。执掌马戏团多年后,你准备在芝加哥组建由罪犯与同谋构成的全新“马戏团”。
| It doesn't take much for you to get what you want, either through pure intimidation or delicate persuasion. After years of managing the circus, you're ready to run a new menagerie of criminals and cohorts here in Chicago.
| 出生困顿的玛吉·戴尔早早就逃离了教养院,并转而成为了白城马戏团的一员。不幸的童年岁月使他变得无所不怕,但同时也变得无比阴郁。在马戏团摸爬滚打过年之后,她深知有钱能使鬼推磨。
| Raised in poverty, Dyer dropped out of reform school to work at the White City Circus. Those early years of misfortune have made her sullen, but brave. After running the circus for so many years, she knows that everyone has their price.

|- id="Sai Wing Mock"
|- id="Sai Wing Mock"
| [[File: Profile boss Sai Wing Mock.png|75px]] || {{ruby|莫赛永|Sai Wing Mock}}
| [[File: Profile boss Sai Wing Mock.png|75px]] || {{ruby|莫赛勇|Sai Wing Mock}}
| [[File: Flag Chinese.png|36px]] 中国-美国
| [[File: Flag Chinese.png|36px]] Chinese-American
| 你骄傲而勇敢,统治芝加哥就是你坚定的目标。虽然刚从纽约唐人街初来乍到,但你已经决心要拿下这座城市的丰饶恩惠。
| You are bold, proud, and unflinching in your quest for dominance in Chicago. Just in from Chinatown, New York, you are determined to take control of all this city has to offer.
| 莫赛永出生于一个虔诚的中国家庭,他在童年时期就移民到了西海岸。凭借冷静与狡黠的个性,他成为了协胜堂中一位受人敬畏的领袖。沉默寡言的他相信一切都有代价。
| Sai Wing Mock arrived on the west coast as a young man, the child of a devoutly religious Chinese family. His calm and cunning nature led him to become a feared gang leader within the Hip Sing Tong. He gives nothing away for free, saying as little as possible.

|- id="Salazar Reyna"
|- id="Salazar Reyna"
| [[File: Profile boss Salazar Reyna.png|75px]] || {{ruby|萨拉查·雷纳|Salazar Reyna}}
| [[File: Profile boss Salazar Reyna.png|75px]] || {{ruby|萨拉查·雷纳|Salazar Reyna}}
| [[File: Flag Mexican.png|36px]] 墨西哥
| [[File: Flag Mexican.png|36px]] Mexican
| 你从墨西哥的瓦哈卡不远万里来到了芝加哥,心中只有两个目标:财富与荣耀。你对暴行与残忍早已司空见惯,任何胆敢来犯者注定命丧黄泉。为了登上芝加哥的宝座,势不可挡的你将粉碎一切敌人。
| All the way from Oaxaca, Mexico, you're in Chicago for two things: money and glory. You don't flinch from brutality and will kill to get your way if you have to. You're an unstoppable force, demolishing everything on your path to get to the top of Chicago.
| 在西边的洛杉矶中发生的一起血腥事故使萨拉查·雷纳变得阴郁而且孤僻,现在的他绝对不会轻易相信任何人。最初,他是一名墨西哥的拳击手,但是在青年时期被迫逃到了美国。
| A bloody incident out west in Los Angeles has made Reyna into a sullen loner, determined to place his trust in no one. Originally a boxer from Mexico, he was forced to flee to America in his youth.

|- id="Stephanie St. Clair"
|- id="Stephanie St. Clair"
| [[File: Profile boss Stephanie St Clair.png|75px]] || {{ruby|史蒂芬妮·圣克莱尔|Stephanie St. Clair}}
| [[File: Profile boss Stephanie St Clair.png|75px]] || {{ruby|史蒂芬妮·圣克莱尔|Stephanie St. Clair}}
| [[File: Flag French.png|36px]] 马提尼克岛
| [[File: Flag French.png|36px]] Martiniquais
| 你勇猛无畏,芝加哥的所有人都对你敬畏有加。就像在纽约那时一样,你来芝加哥的目的就是征服这里。无论是谁都无法阻止你的脚步。
| Ferocious and fearless, there are few in Chicago who would dare defy you. You came to Chicago to conquer, as you did in New York. And you don't care who gets in your way.
| 逃离西印度群岛之后,史蒂芬妮·圣克莱尔凭借自己的狡黠,耐心,以及对于同伴们的信任成为了哈莱姆的女王。她的格言是没有一个人是孤岛。
| Stephanie fled the West Indies and established herself as the Queen of Harlem through her cunning, tolerance, and with faith in the people around her. She lives by the mantra that no man (or woman) is an island.

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