
白马讨论 | 贡献2021年1月6日 (三) 23:56的版本
老大 国籍 传记 背景
Profile boss Al Capone.png 阿尔·卡彭Al Capone Flag SalernoAmerican.png 意大利-美国 你是布鲁克林恶名昭彰的大人物,犯罪界的大小事务无不需要你的准允。现在你已经摘掉了先前同伙送你的手铐,是时候来支配芝加哥了。 自小从萨勒诺移民来到美国,卡彭从童年开始就是得为了吃饱饭而不停干活。如果不是当时没能再小心一点,他如流星一般崛起成为帮派领袖绝对会是他的一大幸事。但是不可否认,卡彭仍然掌握着不容质疑的威权。
Profile boss Angelo Genna.png 安吉洛·基纳Angelo Genna Flag Italian.png 意大利 无论是操弄政治还是倒手热货你都十分在行,芝加哥的局面也渐渐落入你的掌握之中,不过在摧毁所有敌人并且主宰这个城市之前你可不会停下。 作为一名来自西西里岛的移民,基纳在做苦工和犯罪之中度过了他的少年时期。就像其他青年一样他心中满怀怒火,处世不够老道可能是他实现野心之路的唯一障碍,如果事情开始不对路,他总是第一个拔枪的。
Profile boss Daniel McKee Jackson.png 丹尼尔·麦基·杰克逊Daniel McKee Jackson Flag American.png 非洲-美国 你对芝加哥遭逢不幸的人总是那么慷慨友善,不仅胸怀极大的政治野心,一直推动变革,还暗中经营着全芝加哥最赚钱的几个赌场。 尽管年少时十分贫困,丹尼尔·麦基·杰克逊还是咬着牙念完了规矩严格的学校。狡黠使他出人头地,但他却仍心怀善念,去拯救那些没能像他一样跳出社区的兄弟们。对于丹尼尔来说,没什么比稳健谨慎更重要的了。
Profile boss Dion OBanion.png 迪恩·欧班宁Dion O'Banion Flag IrishAmerican.png 爱尔兰-美国 虽说你是个花店老板,可因觉得你弱小可欺绝对是个错误。你不仅能从国外得到助力,背后还有整个爱尔兰北边帮Irish North Side的支持,现在你已经做好了夺取这座城市的准备。 即使出生于爱尔兰移民家庭,信仰也从没能在欧班宁易怒与残暴的性格一事上起到任何帮助。从小就混迹江湖的他只关心自己能拿多少钱,而从不管接下的是什么勾当。
Profile boss Elvira Duarte.png 艾薇拉·杜瓦丁Elvira Duarte Flag Mexican.png 墨西哥 纵览整个芝加哥也只有你能被称为犯罪界的女王,枪械的强大和智谋的优势远远弥补了你力量上的不足,并且你总能激发起手下们悍不畏死的斗志。 作为原来混迹墨西哥的帮派头目,杜瓦丁潜逃到芝加哥准备重建她的犯罪帝国。经历过了无数风雨,还从来没有什么事能让她慌乱过。对他人来说,站在顶点总是孤独的,但孤独却与艾薇拉相得益彰。她见证了无数犯罪帝国因只言片语便土崩瓦解,而正是小心谨慎才使她一次又一次幸存下来。
Profile boss Frank Ragen.png 弗兰克·拉根Frank Ragen Flag IrishAmerican.png 爱尔兰-美国 哪个政客、警长或是司库没收过你的黑钱呢?在他们身上花的钱都能把这座城办起来了!是时候不用假他人之手掌控这座城市了,不外乎是搞到选票,再做点脏活罢了。 拉根的双亲是爱尔兰移民,除了宗教上的事,他俩什么也不会教给孩子。所以他在年轻时只能用拳击释放自己残忍与暴躁的一面,而如今他得以把这一切宣泄在构建犯罪帝国的事业上了,聚拢那些和他有着同样心境的人便是他事业的基石。

Profile boss Frankie Donovan.png 弗兰基·多诺万Frankie Donovan Flag Irish.png 爱尔兰 作为一个地地道道的爱尔兰人,你不仅是个百里挑一的神射手,还是个英勇无畏的悍将,即使是在重重压力下也能保持镇静。你来芝加哥只为能够扬名立万!没有什么东西能够阻挡你的脚步。 因为1916年爱尔兰复活节起义的失败,多诺万被迫流亡美国,而这场战争还带走了他的一个兄弟。多诺万在毕业之后就投身于爱尔兰独立运动,虽然这养成了他易怒的性格,却也让他变得极为勇敢。但这都没有改变他爱开玩笑的轻佻个性,因为弗兰基是个哪里跌倒就在哪里爬起来的真汉子。
Profile boss Goldie Garneau.png 歌蒂·嘉诺Goldie Garneau Flag FrenchCanadian.png 法国-加拿大 全芝加哥的人嘴边都挂着你的名字,你经营着全城最大的地下酒馆,还是异国风情的。表面上你不过是个胸无大志的轻浮女人,但每一步棋都充满了你的算计。在将整座城纳入囊中前你可不会停下! 歌蒂在魁北克长大,并从一所管教极严的学校中毕业,可学校生活从没能改变她爱玩乐与轻佻的个性,无顾世俗的举止与穿着让她成了这欢乐场里最风情万种的女人。比起干人,她更愿意做爱做的事。
Profile boss Joseph Saltis.png 约瑟夫·索迪斯Joseph Saltis Flag Hungarian.png 匈牙利 Your bootlegging prowess, diplomatic nature, and sincere attempt at appearing refined endears the community toward you. You're ready to graduate from bar owner to business magnate and take control of the city. Emigrating from the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a youth, Saltis worked as a child laborer before turning to crime to make some real money. He never lost respect for hard work. He started his own gang, and developed a taste for the finer things in life. His careful, cunning attitude has steered him well in Chicago.
Profile boss Mabel Ryley.png 梅布尔·莱莉Mabel Ryley Flag Irish.png Irish You are simultaneously vicious and kind. You've inherited control of the Alley Cats from your (now deceased) husband and you have your sights set on gaining control of the rest of Chicago. Immigrating from Cork, Ireland, Ryley spent her youth avoiding her strict schooling and engaging in delinquency. Growing up without much, she takes an "easy come, easy go" approach to life. She gets ahead by remaining calm and careful in all matters.
Profile boss Maggie Dyer.png 玛吉·戴尔Maggie Dyer Flag American.png American It doesn't take much for you to get what you want, either through pure intimidation or delicate persuasion. After years of managing the circus, you're ready to run a new menagerie of criminals and cohorts here in Chicago. Raised in poverty, Dyer dropped out of reform school to work at the White City Circus. Those early years of misfortune have made her sullen, but brave. After running the circus for so many years, she knows that everyone has their price.
Profile boss Sai Wing Mock.png 莫赛勇Sai Wing Mock Flag Chinese.png Chinese-American You are bold, proud, and unflinching in your quest for dominance in Chicago. Just in from Chinatown, New York, you are determined to take control of all this city has to offer. Sai Wing Mock arrived on the west coast as a young man, the child of a devoutly religious Chinese family. His calm and cunning nature led him to become a feared gang leader within the Hip Sing Tong. He gives nothing away for free, saying as little as possible.
Profile boss Salazar Reyna.png 萨拉查·雷纳Salazar Reyna Flag Mexican.png Mexican All the way from Oaxaca, Mexico, you're in Chicago for two things: money and glory. You don't flinch from brutality and will kill to get your way if you have to. You're an unstoppable force, demolishing everything on your path to get to the top of Chicago. A bloody incident out west in Los Angeles has made Reyna into a sullen loner, determined to place his trust in no one. Originally a boxer from Mexico, he was forced to flee to America in his youth.
Profile boss Stephanie St Clair.png 史蒂芬妮·圣克莱尔Stephanie St. Clair Flag French.png Martiniquais Ferocious and fearless, there are few in Chicago who would dare defy you. You came to Chicago to conquer, as you did in New York. And you don't care who gets in your way. Stephanie fled the West Indies and established herself as the Queen of Harlem through her cunning, tolerance, and with faith in the people around her. She lives by the mantra that no man (or woman) is an island.